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你来参观. 佩里图书馆2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林



Does your class include a research assignment or other library-related learning goal? You can have a librarian visit your class to provide face-to-face, 网络同步, or asynchronous library instruction session during your regular class time. Your librarian will work with you to customize the session to meet your goals. 我们的 classes can take place in our Perry Library classroom, in your classroom, or online.


  • Online support and self-directed learning opportunities
  • Assistance with assignment development or mapping assignments to our support materials
  • Ready-assignments that you can adapt to meet the needs of your class
  • Brief class visits (15-30 minutes) to teach "how to's" such as setting up an EndNote account or using Monarch One搜索


  • 提供 研讨会 论信息素养与RESEARCH技能的教学
  • Help to identify resources to integrate into your curriculum
  • 协助您解决版权问题
  • Create course-specific online guides, videos, and tutorials

For our General Eduation 信息 Literacy program we provide:

  • 信息素养教程
  • Assistance with assignment development and mapping assignments to the tutorials and other library resources
  • A "train the trainer" workshop in which we can train your GTAs and faculty in showing their classes how to use library-specific resources to support assignments.
  • An online space for faculty to share assignments and teaching ideas

For more information or to inquire about assistance with your course please contact 露辛达Wittkower at lrush@pro-album.com.


  • 应提出指示请求 至少两周 在要求的日期之前
  • Professors should plan to attend and participate in the session.
  • Timing of instruction should be when students are beginning to work on the assignment, or at the ideal time to reach them at the point of need


  • 的 librarian assigned to the course will contact you in a timely manner to ask for assignment details and communicate about plans for the session
  • We will follow-up with you after the session with any student assessments and to find out how it can be improved in the future



这个交互式教程, 使用articelrise创建, is designed to introduce new students to the resources and services provided by the ODU 库. 该教程可通过 帆布的组织 标题为ODU库的新ODU学生教程. 请浏览我们的 面向ODU新学生的图书馆教程 浏览更多信息. This tutorial is designed for use by courses that instruct first year students, 比如生活学习和影响Community, 大学强化课程, and Residence Halls in need of educational activities, 还有学生组织.


We support the general education information literacy courses by providing online tutorials that map directly to the student learning outcomes for information literacy at ODU. 我们的 信息素养教程 are created using Articulate Storyline and hosted in a self-enroll 帆布的组织 called ODU 库 信息素养教程. Students may enter the space using a Midas ID/password. 的 tutorials are interactive, with built-in quiz questions. Students will see their results at the end of each tutorial. 的y will be given a chance to print their quiz results, 或者保存为截图以提交成绩, 如果需要的话.

请浏览我们的 信息素养和RESEARCH教程 页以获取更详细的信息.


We support English Composition courses by providing online tutorials that align with course assignments. 我们的 new 议论文教程 is hosted in a self-enrolled 帆布的组织 called 英语作文的ODU库教程. 的 tutorial is interactive with built-in quiz questions. Students are given the opportunity to print or save their results to submit to an instructor, 如果需要的话. 请浏览我们的 议论文教程 浏览更多信息.


RESEARCH基础 tutorial and quiz is designed to serve as a refresher or basic introduction to getting started with research. After navigating through the tutorial, students will complete a quiz. 通过测试后, students can select their professor's name and the professor will receive an email with the student's name in the subject line indicating that they completed the activity. If you would like to add your name to the quiz please email lrush@pro-album.com.


访问我们的 YouTube频道 为我们的 一分钟小贴士 视频系列和其他教学视频.


在ODU的第一年结束时, the goals of the 图书馆的指令 Program are for students to recognize that:

  • 的 库 provide several services to support them in their academic endeavors
  • 的 库 provide high-quality information resources to support their course work and research

By the time they graduate, ODU students should be able to:

  • 清晰地表达信息需求,并将其语境化
  • 搜索 strategically in a variety of systems appropriate to the research topic
  • Identify markers of 权威 recognized by disciplines, 职业, 以及其他知识和实践Community
  • Evaluate information in a variety of formats to determine its validity, 精度, 权威, 及时性, 相关性, 和偏见
  • Synthesize information with existing understanding in order to enhance knowledge or to create new works and knowledge
  • 合法使用信息, 在伦理上, 在合成的时候以一种对社会负责的方式, 分享, 创造信息
  • We strive to meet these student learning outcomes in collaboration with our campus partners.

请求库指令 工厂日历 课程指导



Enhance your college career by gaining relevant experience with the skills and knowledge needed for your future career. 发现我们的体验式学习机会.


Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, and meet current students.


From sports games to concerts and lectures, join the ODU community at a variety of campus events.